Clinical Psychologist

Our clinical psychologist provides assessment and treatment for mental health issues like stress, anxiety, depression or substance abuse. Haley mainly works in Palmy, AND she spends one day per week working in Levin.

The YOSS Clinical Psychologist service is mainly used by young people between 15 and 19 years of age and it's free for you to access. Anything you tell Haley will be kept confidential, unless you are being harmed, are unsafe or want to harm someone else, but we'll chat more about that when you come in. The main thing is, we're here to help out early on, and talking about it with someone who understands can make such a huge difference.

If you'd like to get in touch with Haley just give us a call on 06 355 5906 or contact us via our website. Sometimes there is a bit of a long wait list to see Haley and if we can't see you - we'll try and help you find another place to go.

Clinical Psychology has the following service exclusions based on our government funding contract: sexual abuse, violence and anger, intellectual disability, learning difficulties, criminal activities, parenting difficulties, conduct disorder and severe mental health.

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